
Historical Archives
#035 福島県民健康調査の甲状腺検査についての
国際環境疫学会会長 フランシーヌ・ラディン博士から
◉ 国際環境疫学会・会長から日本政府に対する書簡
The following correspondence was sent on January 22, 2016, to authorities in Japan including
Ms Tomoko Kitajima, Director General, Environmental Health Department, Ministry of the
Environment Government of Japan
Mr. Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Chief, Department of Health and Welfare, Section for Fukushima Health
Management Survey
Ms Tamayo Marukawa, Minister of the Environment (ascertained), Ministry of the Environment
Government of Japan
環境省総合環境政策局環境保健部長 北島智子殿
福島県保健福祉部県民健康調査課課長 小林弘幸殿
環境大臣 丸川珠代殿
On behalf of environmental epidemiologist, we at the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), the largest international professional organization for such scientists, are concerned about the recent scientific evidence suggesting an increase in the risk of thyroid cancer among residents of Fukushima that is much higher than previously anticipated.
The recently published study1 demonstrates a 12‐fold higher risk of developing thyroid cancer among residents of Fukushima compared to the rest of the Japanese population. This is an exceptionally high risk, as pointed out in the commentary to the published paper.
This study builds on previous concerns about the lack of appropriate data and studies to monitor the long‐term impact of the Fukushima nuclear disaster on local residents.
Preliminary results of the study were presented at a special Symposium, organized at the ISEE Annual Meeting in Sao Paolo in September 2015.
The discussion at the Symposium demonstrated great scientific interest of the Society members in follow up of health consequences of Fukushima accident.
The study illustrates the need of the on‐going, systematic screening of the population affected by the accident, enabling early detection and treatment of the cases of thyroid cancer.
Besides direct benefits to the affected population, such prospective study has great value for building up global knowledge about risks of ionizing radiation.
We appeal to the government as the stakeholder serving the interest of the people, to develop a series of measures to scientifically document and follow up the health of residents of Fukushima and to better understand and estimate the risks from the accident that happened in 2011.
We believe that detailed monitoring of population exposure to radiation possibly remaining in the environment after the accident remains necessary both for scientific and preventive reasons.
Such studies would provide invaluable contribution to the global body of knowledge on health consequences of nuclear accidents and ways for reduction such risks in affected populations.
ISEE would be available to assist and support activities where needed by utilizing the expertise of its members. We would be interested to know if, and how, you would envision the involvement of ISEE as an independent international professional organization.
We would appreciate hearing back about your perspective regarding our letter and your future plans regarding this important matter.
Francine Laden PhD President of ISEE
cc. World Health Organization
フランシーヌ・ラディン博士 ISEE会長
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